Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Only Thing You Talk About

I DID IT!! I walked into a my favorite record store and found three CD's I wanted/ have been wanting for quite some time. Here we go...
Yay! I've been searching and searching and searching for this! I can't wait to sit down and listen.
(And my review of this band is coming soon, promise! I haven't forgotten!)
I'm really loving this band. And it was $5!
(I feel I'm becoming my mother with all this loving discounts and coupons :p)
I've been searching for this since it came out and I just happened upon it!
In other news, I got myself a state issued ID! Its not a license but it proves that I am in fact 18. (Which means R rated movie and dancing for me)
Also, I've noticed that people are actually starting to read this blog.  This may sound nerdy but it truly makes me happy to know that people are reading and hopefully enjoying what I post.  I love all of you muchly and send you virtual cupcakes!

Yes, Halloween cupcakes, because I love halloween and have been rading every isle in every store (I bought 3 different types of spooky caution tape. post about that coming soon.)
That's all for now my lovelies! Stay awesome!
Peace, Love, Music<3

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