Saturday, August 13, 2011

Growing Up, Won't Bring Us Down

Last night, my friends and I had a surprise farewell party for our friend Nicole. We watched a slide show of pictures as we ate. Then everyone broke up into 2 teams and we had a video scavenger hunt. Don't know what that is (I didn't)? You receive a list of things to do and you video your group doing each thing. Our list consisted of things such as:
-Sing happy birthday to a stranger at QuickTrip
-Go to Walmart and sing the Oscar Myer song
-Build a human pyramid
-Fit all team members in a bathtub
-Go Down a slide
-Play leap frog (this did not go well, as my friends and I tend to be uncoordinated)
There were a few others but my brain is slightly fried and I can't think of them. Our team decided to add a little something extra to our videos by having someone hold up a "mustache" in each pic. We used sticks, straws, lip gloss, and the "Bro-Stash" app on the IPhone.We then drew them on our faces in washable marker. And we won the scavenger hunt. How could we not, with mustaches like these?
Before the hunt.
Bonus pic. After our mustaches, it was ironic to find this car in the parking lot!
Nicole and I with our Mustaches
Hailey and I with mustaches (please ignore my ridiculous face)
We all drew on the mustaches before all six of us crammed into a bathtub. Hopefully I will be able to get that pic soon. It has to be the greatest of all time.
It was so much fun being able to be with my friends and act silly before we all go our seperate ways for school. (Luckily some of us are going to the same one) 
With a back to school kick off like this, I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store! :)
*Also, go vote, vote, vote on the poll. It's at a tie right now. Hopefully there will be a clear winner by the end. If not, I'll just do more than one review/ bio.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Stay crazy, Rock the mustache!
Peace, Love, Music<3

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