This past Tuesday, my mom and I went to the local state fair to shop and things that are horribly bad for you.
We had a few errands to run before and while we were out my nana called to tell us that Micheal's was having a sale on their Halloween stuff, so of course we went there first! All that I got there will be revealed in my upcoming massive Halloween post! mwahahaha!!
Anywho, since we were over in that area, we decided to run into Barnes & Nobles and Party City.
When we went into Barnes & Nobles, I only planned on grabbing a few magazines I've been wanting and heading out. Well that didn't happen, because on our way to the check out I saw the magical Nightmare Before Christmas display they had. It was wonderful :)
I ended up getting the cutest little Jack plushy and a POP! vinyl Sally toy.
I love them so much!
Next we went to Party City where I found skull shot glasses for 99 cents and the prettiest spider necklace.
And now the world knows I have a fleckley chest. Oh, well. |
Finally, we headed to the fair!
When we got there, we instantly headed to the buildings and started shopping! Here's all the goodies we stumbled across in the first building:
Spirit hood!
Camera face |
Fang Necklace!
More freckle chest...sorry... |
Skull Ring!
Mustache ring!
We then headed over to the other building, where among the shopping, my mom and I decided that I should hop on a wooden pony attraction prop they had and have my picture taken
Natural born cowgirl right here. I totally don't look out of place or anything.... |
We then proceeded to shop. Now this is where I got just a liiiitle bit nerdy. You guys know how I love Black Butler and Death Note? Well, I found some booths that sold stuff for them. Like this:
Black Butler!!!!!! |
As for Death Note, I found a lanyard with L on it and *drum roll* A DEATH NOTE NOTEBOOK!! with some 3D pictures and glasses.
It's got all the rules in it and everything! *nerding out*
Anyways, I also grabbed some hello kitty sunglasses!
Before we left we took one more picture:
I had so much fun hanging out with my momma! It left us both dead tired but was totally worth it.
Now, I'm going to go eat some chili that my nana made because it is finally cold outside!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Peace, Love, Music<3